
Showing posts from June, 2009


Last night, I dreamt that I wrote a poem. It was a kickass poem. Today I woke up and it wasn't true. I really wish that dream had been real. I know, I know. Go forth and make it real! Ha ha. Easier said than done.


I am a creature of habit. Bad habits, as a matter of fact. I tend to "loop" on things, which means I just go over and over them in my mind, rather than breaking the loop and being healthier, wasting less time, being more productive, etc. Take, for example, my blog. I didn't want to update until I had time to fully update on ALL the FUN things! That have been going on this summer! But today I finally realized that that train has left. I will have to let it go on without me, without you, and I will just have to accept the fact that I cannot simultaneously live my life AND document it, no matter how much I'd like to. I narrate my life constantly in my own head, saving up posts, but then I can't type enough to keep up with it. Suffice it to say, I am having a fun summer. The second example of bad habits and looping is this: Whenever my client work slows down, I pause on the last assignments, drawing out the time between getting them and doing them, because I don't...

Uh Oh.

I told my friend Heith that I would make an attempt to blog every day in June, although I know some of the posts will be very short. And look at me! I'm three days into June and I've goofed it up already. This is either a place holder for me to return to after I am finished working OR this is today's post. If you don't follow me on Facebook, then you might not be aware that I know 5 guitar chords now (ACDEG) and I have my first blister from practicing. I think that's kind of awesome. How are you?