
Another pome: This one has two versions:


no apples fall from these

fallow trees, my branches

ache in their empty poses

reaching upward, frozen

I have no honey

words to

drip into ears plugged

from years spent in closed

underwater spaces

winter briskness

slows life to

cold isolation

silent stillness

puffs of white air

we breathe

in, out

In February moonlight

I can give you this:

one hand on your face, one

at your waist,

your shaven neck my

frosty mouth



In February moonlight

I can give you this:

one hand on your face, one

at your waist,

my frosty mouth,

your shaven neck

I have no melted

whispers to

drip into ears plugged

from years spent in closed

underwater spaces

winter briskness

slows life to

silent stillness

puffs of white air


we breathe



  1. I really like the line "I have no honey". It makes the first one my favorite.


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