Edited to provide a link to the whole gory story. Nobody prepares you for parenthood. This much is true. But in all fairness, how could they? One of the biggest surprises I have had, though, is how much my kids make me laugh. This morning, I was laughing so hard while driving them to school that Sam asked me if I was okay. The conversation started in the house. The boys were talking about reading stories on Cracked.com, and poking fun of understatement. A police officer was shot through the arm, and when asked if it hurt, replied, "It did a bit, yes." I asked, "Was he Canadian?" "No, British." Then, there was the British officer, when asked about whether a crime scene at which a man had committed suicide by cutting off his own head with a chainsaw was a shock, replied, "In some ways it was, sir." Sam continued the conversation in the car, imitating the officer first, and then immediately asking, "In what ways WASN'T it a sh...