Sunday, October 17, 2004

Life is Strange

I am trying so hard to keep it together right now and not lose my cool.

I bought a USB jumpdrive awhile back, and so I go to use it today, and of course, my computer doesn't detect it. Neither does my other computer. Arrgh.

So. This morning at 9:00 a.m., I hear a knock on the bedroom door. Christian. It must be. "Yeah?" I call, surprised that he has not also just barged in, so maybe it is Sam.

"Is the coffee on?" I hear Karl say. Goodness me!

"Hang on," I croak, and get out of bed and pull clothes on and go out to find him sitting on the couch. My children just don't get surprised by strangers in the house, I guess, not that Karl is a stranger to them, having spent the day at Six Flags with him (which I had forgotten, but not they).

I knew Karl was in town, mind you, so it was not a complete surprise, but it was a funny and good one. We saw him the other night at TJ the professional frisbee player's 50th birthday party, and Robin's girl band Happy Ass rocked the house. She teased me later because it got too loud for me, so I went downstairs to smoke. Too loud= too old.

Yesterday between two soccer games, and necessary errands to the library, Hastings (books and music), and Walmart for sorely needed groceries, then a much needed nap, we never made it over to Bob's where they were whiling away the chill in the air with a chimnea and gin and juice.

Karl was feeling a little hungover, dahling, this morning, so I made coffee and plied him with gatorade, tylenol, and valerium. Karl has had quite a month, but you will have to read about his month, his weekend, on his blog. I will just say that his feline similarities will keep him on his feet, and that the next few months will be interesting, to say the least.

After he left this morning, we were up anyway and by this time, caffeinated, so we put on NPR and kicked it into gear, throwing out papers and cleaning the house, doing dishes (Dereck) and then I got two out of three kids out to the studio to help us clean it out. We swept up torn up paper and leaves and general chaos because the dog has been staying out there. We vacuumed. It didn't take that long.

Then, I took them to Walmart to spend their money, and I got:

a color block rug

a coffeepot

ground coffee

a table cloth

a throw with fall colors

some vanilla creamer (little cups)

a file container

two mugs

some computer paper.

I strung white lights and we rearranged the furniture to make me a writer's corner. We moved the computer out from under Sam's desk, and you know what? It still does not work. I have been trying to install Microsoft Office, and it won't work, and so, I think I will have to put it back under a desk, and hook up my laptop to the keyboard instead. That will do me just fine.

Liza, are you happy now?

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