What Day Is It Today?

Have you ever had one of those days in which you did not really even know what day it was?

It's been a rough patch. 'Nuff said.

So, anyway, what do writers do when the going gets rough? They get writing. Liza is persistently, to my great honor, on my butt to write.

She knows I have a book to write. And I have been neglecting it. Not to say that the blog is not worthwhile, but I do tend to favor it because I get so much immediate gratification and feedback.

So, today, being greatly troubled of mind, I lost myself in my book and delivered to her door, which I do not think she even knows yet, 30 pages of manuscript.

No, I did not write all of it today. Some of what the book requires is rigorous editing. And I have not wanted to wade in and do it. So, remniscent of Don sticking his hand in his sewer line this weekend, I waded into it.

Orson Scott Card and other writers have said that it is important, when writing, to hold two opposite thoughts equally in your mind: That you are the most brilliant writer in the world. That you are the shittiest writer in the world.

Right now, the deck is toppling towards... shitty.


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