Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It's One Less Thing, Ya Know?

I went to the doctor yesterday. My blood pressure is always low, and despite recent events, continue to be low (112 over 60-something).

They also checked my cholesterol and my thyroid.

The nurse called and left the message, "Your blood results were just absolutely perfect!"

Which means I don't have a thyroid problem. Dammit.

I called, out of curiosity (well, okay, and so I could post it here) to find out what my cholesterol was.


So, basically, I can cross those two things off my list of things to worry about.

On the other hand, last week, I noticed my hair was looking a little fried overprocessed. So, I was calling to make an appointment to have the boys' hair cut, and impulsively made an appointment to have mine cut too.

I sat in the chair. I explained that I am growing my hair out, but I was concerned about the damage on the ends, particularly on the sides of my hair, but did not want a mullet.

She said if I wanted to keep the length, she could get rid of the damaged hair by adding more layers.

This seemed reasonable to me-- I was focused on the words keeping the length.

And it's fine.

Just a teenie weenie Farrah Fawcett thing going on.

But it's fine.

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