Your Hump Day Meme

Stolen From Kathy Howe through Jay.

LAYER ONE: – Name: Jenorama

– Birth date: April 28th.

-Birthplace: Denver, Colorado

-Current Location: Work

– Eye Color: blue

– Hair Color: my actual color? Who knows? I dyed it light ash brown this weekend, and then added blonde highlights.

– Height: 5'7"

– Righty or Lefty: Righty

– Zodiac Sign: Taurus, sign of the Bull.


– Your heritage: ? Mutt, I suppose.

– The shoes you wore today: Red Mary Janes. Kenneth Cole

– Your weakness: books-- can't leave a bookstore without spending money

– Your fears: Unemployment, harm to my children-- not in that order.

– Your perfect pizza: Artichoke heart and shrimp from the now defunct Late Nite Pizza in Athens, Ohio

– Goal you’d like to achieve: Job Security; PhD


– Your most overused phrase on AIM: ya

– Your first waking thoughts: Coffee--who has waking thoughts before coffee?

– Your best physical feature: Eyes, probably.

– Your most missed memory: ? I don't even know what that means.


– Pepsi or Coke: Dr. Pepper

– McDonald’s or Burger King: Taco Bell.

– Single or group dates: Single

– Adidas or Nike: Adidas-- haven't you ever seen a Michael Moore movie? Who can buy Nikes?

– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Just iced tea-- is there a difference?

– Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

– Cappuccino or coffee: yes.


– Smoke: yes, but not a lot, honestly.

– Cuss: like a sailor

– Sing: at Karaoke on Tuesday nights at the DuKum Inn.

– Take a shower everyday: er, no...

– Do you think you’ve been in love: Oh, yes, I think so. Was this designed for somebody in high school?

– Liked high school: Liked what about it?

– Want to get married: I plead the Fifth.

– Believe in yourself: Yes

– Get motion sickness: Not usually, but sometimes I do when I fly if I don't eat enough.

– Think you’re attractive: Yes, despite my curves. OR maybe really because of them.

– Think you’re a health freak: Not hardly.

– Get along with your parent(s): Yes

– Like thunderstorms: Sure-- but it's not like I'm pining for one.

– Play an instrument: piano, badly.


In the past month…

– Drank alcohol: Yup

– Smoked: Yup.

– Done a drug: You mean besides my prescriptions? No.

– Made Out: Was this designed for people in high school?

– Gone on a date: See previous response.

– Gone to the mall?: I love the mall around the holidays-- I love the decorations. Yes.

– Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: Um, not since Halloween.

– Eaten sushi: No, but oh, I wish that I had... Have I? Don't think so.

- Been on stage: Karaoke.

– Been dumped: Was this designed for people in high school?

– Gone skating: Nope.

– Made homemade cookies: Yes, actually.

– Gone skinny dipping: No

– Dyed your hair: Uh, can a month go by without my dyeing my hair?

– Stolen Anything: No.

– You sound boring: Thanks.


– Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes

– If so, was it mixed company: Yes

-Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes

– Been caught “doing something": Doing something? What the hell does that mean? Was this designed for people in high school?

– Been called a tease: Not since college

– Gotten beaten up: Was this designed for people in high school?

– Shoplifted: Not since elementary school.

– Changed who you were to fit in: Was this designed for people in high school?


– Age you hope to be married: Was this designed for people in high school?

– Numbers and Names of Children: three kids: Sam, Christian, and Tommy-- not names I would ever have said in high school.

– Describe your Dream Wedding: Was this designed for people in high school?

– How do you want to die: I don't.

– Where you want to go to college: Was this designed for people in high school?

– What do you want to be when you grow up: Was this designed for people in high school?

– What country would you most like to visit: France


– Number of drugs taken illegally: 1

– Number of people I could trust with my life: ? Not the doctors in the local ER, that much I know.

– Number of CDs that I own: Haven't counted.

– Number of piercing: four.

– Number of tattoos: two.

– Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Many-- I have written for two newspapers along the way, more than that if you count student paper.

– Number of scars on my body: ?

– Number of things in my past that I regret: I don't know. Yes, I do: I regret some friendships I've lost along the way.


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