Wednesday, July 14, 2004

A List of the Toys I Want, Don't Need, and Can't Afford:

a cell phone with a camera.

a palm pilot.

a DVD player for the car.

A five disc changer for the car (mine has one only, sadly, privileged thing that I am...).

A fax machine! Fax machines are cool.

A pager. Doctors have them. Why oh why can't I?

A new laptop. Because the old one is just acting funny. And the dvd player doesn't work.

A cappucino machine.

An MP3 Player.

I am such a soccer mom yuppy wanna be.

But last night I went out to dinner with a tie-dye bandana wrapped around my head. That is my favorite look for myself, I must admit. I am a real hippy wanna-be.

And I cannot express how happy I am that my hair is growing out. It's so humid that it's actually pretty wavy and has a lot of body lately.

For those of you (Pie and Michelle) who have only just met me, you must think I'm on crack with my hair as short as it is, so you will have to trust me now, believe me later, that my hair was so short last August that this is a SIGNIFICANT difference in the length.

I know many people (women) who think I look much better with it short and sassy like I had it last summer. And I absolutely don't care. I don't even know who I am with short hair. Now, I look in the mirror and it's like seeing an old friend I used to know and haven't seen for awhile, and I smile a lot more, and say, "Ah, yes, there you are."

I am never cutting it short again.

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