Wednesday, August 25, 2004

You Just Can't Make Stuff Like This Up.

This is so bizarre.

Yesterday, Dereck told me he wanted to tell me about a bizarre phone call he had received. Apparently, Tom Reynolds, as in Congressman Tom Reynods, as in the NRCC Chairman, as in the National Republican Congressional Committee, wanted me to attend a dinner with President Bush.

There was a 1-800 number for me to call and the name of an assistant to talk to.

Well. This morning I was making a list of things to do, and came across the number I had scrawled on the back of a piece of paper, so I called it.

Not only does Tom Reynolds, Chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee want to invite me to the Annual Black Tie President's Dinner in Washington D.C., but he would also like to invite me, as a business leader in my community, to serve as an honorary chairperson on the Business Advocacy Council. As the representative (or a representative from Missouri), I would have the opportunity to meet with Congress at periodic meetings.

My name would be included in a full-page ad in the Washington Street Journal, and I would receive a copy to show my family and friends. I would receive a wooden gavel, just like they have in Congress, and a picture of the President to hang in my office.

All of this could be mine for the one time gift of $500. Could they count on my support?

Well, what would you do?

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