Wednesday, January 12, 2005

An Entire Bag.

  • I come into work this morning, and there is an entire bag of Girl Scout cookie boxes sitting on my chair. I am a pathetic suck up who overorders Girl Scout cookies to make friends.
  • I find out that I am double-booked for meetings.
  • I arrange to leave one meeting early.
  • I am in a teleconference call when the physician is called out of the room and I hear what appears to be a woman having a fit, while I am trying to maintain professional composure over the phone, instead of giving into the urge to run out and look.

  • I hoodwink Dereck into going out to the kitty shelter with me at noon.
  • I make him take the bag of cookies away from me.
  • We do not buy any kitties, even though that calico cat was soooo friendly and has exactly the kind of coat I love in a cat. She. Was. So. Friendly.
  • Someone has donated a box of my favorite kind of Girl Scout cookies to the kitchen, which is right next to my office.
  • Listen. Can you hear them? They are calling to me.
  • I might be thinner if I didn't give in to my inner desires for Dr. Pepper when we sail through the dining room at Wendy's for lunch.
  • A strange man came and asked for one of my co-workers today after lunch.
  • I told him I didn't know where she was, nor when she was coming back, and I admit, I was not super friendly or helpful as I did so.
  • A few minutes later, a security man came through the door.
  • The strange man was mysteriously escorted away.
  • Lesson Learned: go ahead and be chilly to strange, unknown men. Security will then come and take them away.

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Candles in the dark

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